La tercera semana, yo subi la montana (753m) cerca de Denia, Montgo. Sali a las 8:00 sin saber cuanto tiempo duraria. La primera 2 horas son muy faciles; se tiene que ir al otro lado de la montana. Despues, hay una seccion corto pero es intensivo; la senda de veras no existe a veces. A las 10:45 alcance la cima. Las vistas eran fantasticas; era un dia claro y podia ver en casi cada dirreccion. Vi el Penon de Ifach; no parece tan grande de arriba y de una gran distancia. Despues de almorzar, fui a la cruz de denia, que se puede ver del todo el pueblo. Baje (que era mas dificil que la ascencion) y fui a la cueva de agua antes de regresar a casa. Me disfruti mucho
The third week, I climbed a 2500-foot mountain called Montgo close to Denia. I left at 8:00, not knowing how long it would take. The first two hours were very easy; you have to go around to the other side of the mountain before climbing. Then there's a short but intensive section; the trail doesn't really exist at times. At 10:45 I summited. The views were fantastic; it was a clear day and I could see great views in almost every direction. I saw the Penon de Ifach; it doesn't look so big from above and far away! After eating, I went to the Denia Cross, which can be seen from all parts of the town. I hiked back down (which was a little more difficult than the ascent) and went to the Water Cave before returning home. I enjoyed it immensely.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Semana 2: Penon de Ifach
La segunda semana yo y una amiga, Emily subimos una gran piedra 45 minutos al sur de Denia, en una ciudad que se llama Calpe. Al principio, no podiamos encontrar la senda, resultado que tropezamos un sitio arquiologico. Ojala que no ruinamos la tesis masters de alguien! La primera parte era muy domesticado; las sillas de ruedas tenian aceso. Pero luego habia muchas rocas en la senda. En algunos sitios, la senda no existia. Subimos a la cima, y tambien 2 otras cumbres. A Emily se dolio el tobillo bajandonos, pero estaba bien. Luego tropezamos con 2 otros estudiantes del grupo de Calvin. Si quereis ver un video que ella ha hecho (una persona mucho mas concienzuda que yo), aqui esta
The second week me and a friend, Emily, climbed a gigantic rock 45 minutes south of Denia, in a city called Calpe. At first, we couldn't find the path, resulting in us stumbling over a major archeological dig. Hope we didn't ruin someone's master's thesis or something! The first part was pretty tame; in fact, it was handicapped accessible. But later, there were a lot of rocks on the trail, and the trail didn't exist in spots. We climbed the main top and two other peaks. Emily hurt her ankle on the way down, but she was fine to finish out the trip. We ran into two other Calvin students later. She made a video, which you can watch above.
The second week me and a friend, Emily, climbed a gigantic rock 45 minutes south of Denia, in a city called Calpe. At first, we couldn't find the path, resulting in us stumbling over a major archeological dig. Hope we didn't ruin someone's master's thesis or something! The first part was pretty tame; in fact, it was handicapped accessible. But later, there were a lot of rocks on the trail, and the trail didn't exist in spots. We climbed the main top and two other peaks. Emily hurt her ankle on the way down, but she was fine to finish out the trip. We ran into two other Calvin students later. She made a video, which you can watch above.
Torre de Gerro
El primero fin de semana aqui, fuimos al torre de gerro, el cual esta ubicado en un acantilado al suroeste de Denia. Los locos entre nosotros fuimos a la cima, en una cuera my estrecha sin sistema de seguridad. Pero valia la pena la vista.
The first weekend here, we went to the Torre de Gerro, which sits on a cliff to the southwest of Denia. The idiots among us climbed to the top on a thing piece of rope without a safety system. But the view was worth it.
hola todos! Bienvenidos a mi no-blog. Me prometi que no crearia un blog, entonces este no es. Es un lugar donde pondre imagenes y ofrecer comentarios aburridos sobre mis experiencias. Anticipo que me hare perezoso y no voy a cargar nada en 3 semanas mas o menos. Pero si quereis saber lo que ya he hecho, habeis venido al lugar correcto.
Hi everyone! Welcome to my non-blog. I promised myself that I wouldn't create a blog, so this is not a blog. It's a place where I'll put images and offer boring commentaries about my experiences. I anticipate that I'll get lazy and not upload or update anything in about three weeks from now. But if you want to know what I've done so far, you've come to the right place. Also, as an aside, trying to translate my own Spanish to English is ridiculously hard.
Hi everyone! Welcome to my non-blog. I promised myself that I wouldn't create a blog, so this is not a blog. It's a place where I'll put images and offer boring commentaries about my experiences. I anticipate that I'll get lazy and not upload or update anything in about three weeks from now. But if you want to know what I've done so far, you've come to the right place. Also, as an aside, trying to translate my own Spanish to English is ridiculously hard.